Nonton Gratis Don’t Believe the Hole Film Streaming LK21 Dunia21

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Sumi, who is tired of Ki-seok’s perverted sex life, decides to divorce her and rips the divorce papers when Ki-seok, who has won the lottery consecutively, appears. In order to get money from her Ki-seok, Su-mi invites her Seong-ho, whom she had cheated on her in the past, into her house. Seong-ho also invites Chae-yeon, a flower snake from Sinsa-dong, who is delighted with money, and launches a huge scam. Chae-yeon, Seong-ho, and Su-mi deceive each other to win Ki-seok’s money. But the counterattack of the formidable Ki-seok is also getting stronger…

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Genre: Drama, Romance

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